The ESR-KAOS -project aims to develop the knowledge capital and preparedness for
utilizing the 3D city models in the 6Aika cities and in private sector. The project
organizes training events and seminars where different aspects of 3D city modeling are
discussed. An overview of the current knowledge capital in organizations will be formed
based on surveys, interviews and during events.
The three key knowledge areas are
● Technical foundations of 3D city modeling
● Actions required to support relevant city processes
● Utilization of open data. As the most significant result, the project will offer
coaching to develop the utilization of 3D spatial data.
The project consortium
• Aalto University, Department of Built Environment (PI)
• Finnish Geospatial Research Institute FGI / National Land Survey of Finland
• SYKLI Environmental School Of Finland
Project duration: 1.5.2020 – 31.3.2022
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